Everyone knows what a "Bully" is.... He is merely someone who refuses to accept "No" as the answer for anything... and he'll do whatever it takes to get it! He'll throw tantrums, jump up and down, shout at you, hit you, and even "beat the tar out of you" to get what he wants. We've all had dealings with them! They are loud, obnoxious, and rude. They are abusive, manipulative, and divisive. And, they are a clearly psychopathic menace to our overall society... no matter how large the scope of that society may be! So why, in the world, do we always seem to tolerate them? The answers to this question are numerous....
First, we learn [at a very young age] that it is often easier to merely ignore them - in the hope that they'll merely go away. After all, the last thing we want to do is fight them... they, just, might "beat the tar out of us too." To complain about them to our elders, requires: a commitment of time, an investment of energy, and the inevitable results are often not [exactly] what we intended. You see, "Bullies" don't like to be confronted... and, when they are, someone's bound to suffer very cruelly for it! This is the real world, as expressed, in the life of every American child.
As time marches on, however, those children soon grow into young adults - along with their friends, their associates, and even their peers… they get an education, a job, and families of their own… and they begin functioning on a much higher level! They’re bigger, their world is bigger, and their society is bigger. Alas, however, those bullies are bigger - as well… and we soon find them in our workplaces, our public institutions, and our society at large! Somehow, meanwhile, we always thought that these [frequently] misguided individuals would get straightened out, grow up, and/or disappear.
Again, we are confronted with the very same problems and issues…. What to do, or not do about the “Bullies” – who are always harassing us? Nor, considering our ongoing circumstances, is confrontation [in anywise] the easier option! You see, everything that we’ve: built, acquired, and/or accumulated over our short lifetimes of effort is now fully in jeopardy. Our Careers, Homes, and [yes] even our Families are held subject to whims of those older and more-clever “Bastards….” Our frustration, anger, and utter helplessness at this situation are thusly intensified. What do we do?
Most of us, operating [by now] under our thoroughly jaded human perspectives, will [merely] do what we’ve been prone to before over a lifetime of such readily apparent abuse! We’ll look the other way, when it inevitably happens to others, and “keep our eyes to the ground.” Hopefully, we’ll skate through our lives - never being spotted… It’s really someone else’s problem! After all, if the problem [directly] affects us, then we can always act… or, if the problem gets too big, then others will [probably] come to our aid. It sounds reasonable, anyway….
Tyranny exists for a reason, folks! It exists because it is largely rewarded, rather than punished – like it should be… it exists because, as we quietly go about adjusting and accommodating our lives to it, it is thereby encouraged to prosper… it exists because, when others around us are [so frequently] affected by it, we’ll not lift a finger to assist them in their own frustration, anger, and [yet] utter helplessness… it exists because, our own childish perceptions, make it someone else’s problem. That’s right, folks, I said it!
The difference between wisdom and simple-minded foolishness is the ability to grow up
This can be observed in our own American History,
Absolute State Sovereignty
The “Union of Interdependent and Sovereign States” was replaced by a federally imposed “Nation State.” That “Nation State” changed its nature from a “Democratic-Republic” to a “Popular Democracy” with both upper and lower “Houses of [Popular] Representation
The greatest Economic Engine in the world - which once freely operated under the highly beneficial principles of Capitalism and Individual Freedom
In all honesty, nothing bothers me more than Common Situational Poverty… I’ve spent my life dealing with it, in one way, or another!" Nor, am I singling out any specific group of Americans… because [quite honestly] there are so many differing groups on the “political dole” that I could write an entire book on that one single subject… and, That, is precisely the problem our nation now faces economically!
America doesn’t need a “Supply-Side Economic Shot In The Arm,” nor does it need a “Demand-Driven Economic Boost.” Either effort is, as pointless, as “Spraying Ether Into A Carburetor, When The Gas Tank Is Empty!” Sure, it’ll run for a second or two… but what then? It doesn’t fix the overall [or underlying] problem… it doesn’t fill your tank… nor will it even be sufficient to get you anywhere that you can! Someone must [eventually] take it upon them-selves to “refill the tank” and if the driver can’t [or won’t] do it, then the passengers must! It is either that, or “stand helplessly around - while other nations drive by.”
For over a century, we have allowed our nation to be led by both: “Tyrants” and “Bullies” – of one persuasion, or another… when we stood to personally gain by it, we even openly encouraged them in their immoral and unethical activities… and, when we were harmed by it, we meekly stared at the ground and took it. No matter the cost, no matter the price, and no matter what we [might] have stood to lose! In all honesty, folks, we are guiltier than they are… since, it is us, who continually and fully empower them. Contrary, to any claims otherwise, all governments are inherently consensual… either, “We The People” revolt, or we don’t!
The rapidly growing and ever-evolving “Tea Party Movement” in America is the result of the unbearable tyranny of American Fascism… its ever worsening effects upon Our Freedoms
Yes, I agree that the United States of today is considerably different from the United States of the 1700s. But considering the growth in our population and advances in technology is that really a bad thing? Could we, average working Americans, survive today with the laws of yesterday?
ReplyDeleteYou state "The difference between wisdom and simple-minded foolishness is the ability to grow up, accept responsibility for the situations going on around you, and [with resolute steadfastness] speak up for others – when they have [honestly and objectively] been wronged!" I don't know but from my perspective I think one could argue that the rich southern plantation owners who you pit as victims of the Union in fact were the bullies, what with their slave labor and all, and Lincoln and the Union accepted the responsibility to stand up to them rather than just turn a blind eye and let them perpetuate their evil outside of the Union.
Hmmmm..... what would the Separate States of America be like now if for one reason or another they had all been allowed to leave the Union. No more United States, just a bunch of separate states. Maybe like the Arab states? Or maybe like Europe but then they decided to form the EU didn't they?
Vulcan420 said...
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree that the United States of today is considerably different from the United States of the 1700s. But considering the growth in our population and advances in technology is that really a bad thing? Could we, average working Americans, survive today with the laws of yesterday?
It is not a question of whether a Modern American society, consisting of 300 million persons, could survive with so few laws or societal restrictions being imposed today... but rather, could those laws today, be founded upon the very same principles and solid Constitutional bearings of our Forefathers....
And, of course, the answer is yes!
Our ancestors never intended us to live without adapting our laws in order to more relevantly suit our own times... however, they did intend for us to observe certain valuable principles of moral, ethical, and lawful persuasion. The fact that they themselves designed a system for the ongoing development, application, and/or removal of actual statutory laws [as judged against our Constitutional Framework] displays their overall wisdom in these matters.
Nor, was the Constitution [itself] held totally inviolate, or viewed as an absolutely perfect instrument of all future justice! The proper and lawful process for amending it was clearly set out and carefully devised to accomodate certain necessary modifications, as needed.
That being said, even then, they fully intended that such instances should occur under principles of moral, ethical, and lawful persuasion. They, themselves, would never have allowed laws to be devised to circumnavigate it... laws administered which blatantly ignore it under [mere] statutory authority... or Amendments which would effectively destroy its natural "Checks and Balances!"
As Modern Americans, however, we are foolishly more tolerant than they... and, as our current troubles inevitably worsten over time, an ever more angered electorate will strengthen this opposition to our own rapidly approaching societal destruction. Ergo, the rapidly developing "Tea Party Movement" is [in fact] verifiable proof to my historically extrapolated
Vulcan420 said...
ReplyDeleteI don't know but from my perspective I think one could argue that the rich southern plantation owners who you pit as victims of the Union in fact were the bullies, what with their slave labor and all, and Lincoln and the Union accepted the responsibility to stand up to them rather than just turn a blind eye and let them perpetuate their evil outside of the Union.
Yet again, you are wrong....
Never once, in my article, did I even mention the "Rich Plantation Owners" or how conceivably that they [themselves] had been wrong. In fact, nothing could be further from The Truth....
The Confer ate States of America consisted of some 8 million slaves, and 11 million Freemen and White Caucasians. They did not leave the "Union" to be exempted from supposed [or even, merely conjectured] "Lawful End To Slavery." Such a claim is preposterous... Do you read?
They left over matters of either: Free, or Highly-Protective Trade! As predominantly agricultural States, they could not allow the "North" to dictate laws, which would duly impoverish them, just to placate a new group of "Rich Powerful and Wealthy Corporate Capitalists" who had already practiced a unique form of Slavery themselves....
My God, man, have you ever read about the slave wages, company stores, company landlords, punitive lines of impossible credit which ensured supposed "Free Men" a life of "Situational Bondage" up North.... The Labor Unions didn't just happen in the late 1800's for the fun of it! People were totally impoverished and desperate to escape their own human bondage all over America - for that very reason.
Nor, when Lincoln brought up the issue of Slavery after "Gettysburg" in 1863 [with the war more than half over], did he free any slaves. What he did was pass an executive order called "The Emancipation Proclamation" which freed only the slaves in the occupied territories of States he didn't even, yet, in fact own. Lastly, that proclamation did not apply to the three non-separatists States fully existing in the Union over the course of the entire war! That is why we had to pass Amendments "Freeing The Slaves and Establishing Their Rights."
Suffice it to say, the vast majority of the southerners embroiled in this conflict [against their own will] were neither "Rich" nor "Slave Holders..." for that matter, they weren't all white, free, or even offered the option! They were, however, people who didn't want to see their families harmed, their property laid waste, or their traditional way of life destroyed.
Lincoln, in his own words, stated that his only two concerns [or considerations] were over the survivability of our "Union" and the isolation that such a separation might cause when Europe was still very powerful. And yet, the very events set in place [by him and by Him Alone], effectively ended "The Union" - over protests from The Supreme Court - before the first shots were even fired! Unions - being defined as "voluntarily entered into agreements among societal equals for mutual benefit" - cannot be imposed upon their membership. Unions exist "At Will."
Rather, Lincoln established”Federal Hegemony" over "No Longer Sovereign States" by Executive Decree and with the approval of most northern States! The Court: having no authority over an army of its own, nor the ears of numerous State Legislatures was powerless to stop it. Their later solution to this dilemma was a mere simple statement to the effect that, "Had The President Not Such Authorities, Then It Couldn't Have Happened And Thus All Matters Pertaining To It Should Be Based Clearly Upon Precedence!"
Just like you or I, they: ignored their earlier ruling, closed their mouths, and looked down at the ground hoping that no-one might notice them... The "Bully" had his way!
Vulcan420 said...
ReplyDeleteHmmmm..... what would the Separate States of America be like now if for one reason or another they had all been allowed to leave the Union. No more United States, just a bunch of separate states. Maybe like the Arab states? Or maybe like Europe but then they decided to form the EU didn't they?
My Response:
As far as we know, only the southern States desired to leave “The Union….” Are you privy to insider information that I am not aware of? Nor, did those southern States, themselves, have a problem with division or internal dissention… for, had that been the case, they would not have created another “Union,” called “The Confederate States of America” and [quite honestly] framed along the lines of the one that they had just left. They had a problem, just like their “Revolutionary” fathers, with “Tyranny….”
What you fail to realize is that, “ A Tyranny of The Majority” is no less a “Political Tyranny,” than one perpetrated by a minority group [regardless how small]! Our enlightened ancestors feared “Popular Democracy” for just this reason…. A perfect example today is with smoking. Do you have the right to tell me not to smoke, discriminate against me with punitive financial exactions through uneven taxation, or tell a property owner what he can or cannot do on his own property? NO!!!!!
What you can do is ask me nicely, exhort me upon its negative consequences, protest me at the convenience store, and even beg me “Please Will You Stop!” But, in the end, I am either: “A Free Man” or “Not” and you must respect my wishes… regardless of how distasteful they might be [to you personally]. There are right ways and wrong ways to accomplish [almost] anything! But, to my knowledge, “Tyranny” has never been one of them….
Alas, it is funny that you brought up the European Union in support of your argument about the value of [often necessary] societal separation…. Do you even watch the news? The numerous problems of Europe were factually caused by the very “Union” which you claim to be of such grand societal benefit! Greece is financially imploding over issues of common currency… Spain, Italy, Ireland, and several others have been left destitute for the very same reasons… Germany, France, and England’s banks are in deep and serious trouble because of it… and the “European Union” is tearing itself apart over religious, secular, and industrial issues which we have never witnessed.
It is awful hard to emulate the United States when you have neither: the Cultural Traditions, the Common Societal Underpinnings, or the “Inherent Valuation of Real Freedom” to back it up! And yet, their idea was to compete [with us] on an even societal footing. What they failed to realize was that America succeeded because of its built in [and inherent] flexibilities due to a “Separation of Federal and State!” Meanwhile, their “Union” is an attempt at combining disparate “Nations” into a much larger whole….
Enough Said.
How many times must you respond to 1 comment? To respond back at some of what you say: I never claimed the EU was anything great but implied it was an example of a group of separate states deciding to join a union to become more like the United States. I think Greece's problems run far deeper than that of a common currency. And if the majority of Southerners think it so beneficial to separate from the union then they should do something about it. I'm sure they all just need someone to show them the way. Maybe you should motivate yourself and get out a petition drive to put it to a vote.
ReplyDeleteAlso, wannabe tyrants seem to be the most outspoken against the current system because they just want their own version of tyranny where they decide for other people what is right for them. Quite often this comes in the form of standing up for the "common man", the "little man", the man who cant stand up for himself. And its so imperative that something be done right now by force if necessary. Hmmmm... got any idea who could lead our great revolt of the common man who just wants his individual freedoms against an unconstitutional system that is set on taking them all away? I mean, I'm no expert but I'm thinking you're so smart and well read and all maybe you should be the leader for all of us ignorant and less intelligent folk. Maybe you'd be the next Jefferson Davis. Who knows, maybe God chose you to be our savior to lead us from servitude to an unconstitutional and ungodly abomination of what our forefathers created. I mean this could be the start of something big, you know, like all those prophecies and the second coming and stuff. hallelujah! The Real American has stepped forward and wees gonna be saved Forrest!!
I'm sorry, Vulcan420,
ReplyDeleteI assumed that you would be more interested in a point by point rebuttal of your statements toward the article itself... and toward promoting a better understanding of my personal intentions, in having written it. However, you seem to possess a tremendous amount of preconceived baggage regarding certain issues which directly color your attitude toward any ability at intelligent discussion of relevant historical facts.
Contrary to your warped and twisted thinking, the point of this Blog is not to promote any specific hidden agenda of "Separation," or "Southern Ideals...." It is to discuss relevant historical facts, in "Our Common American History" that have significantly altered the ongoing character of our nation from that which was fully intended by our ancestors... how these historical actions have played out over time... the ongoing negative results [such as our imminent "Sociological, Geo-Political, and Economic Collpase"]... and precisely what we must do about it, before it inevitably happens!
Whether "The Southern States" or "Any States" choose to leave a "Political and Societal Union,"
such as ours [factually] was, is patently and functionally irrelevant to this blog. However, the point that "Any and All States choosing to leave may" is highly relevant... since, "The Constituional Issues" involved, are of far more societal importance, geo-political significance, and ongoing situational value than many modern Americans perceive!
As for the assignation of any political leaders, this blog site is decidedly "Neutral." We are an issues site, dedicated toward an educated and well-informed electorate making their own choices after having clearly understood the relevant facts of: "Where we stand as a society today," "How we got to this particular geo-political point," and "What will be needed to effect real, lasting, and beneficial change in American Politics."
I hope that I helped in some way.