The following list of specific [and relevant] Governmental Informational Links, was included, as a service to our steadily growing and highly motivated readership for their necessary benefit and usage.We are happy to provide you this service... and, by all means, bookmark this page - for easy reference... as your one stop, informational source!
Online Contact Links
- The White House - this link will take you directly to the Official White House Website online, where you may contact President Barak Obama [himself], or any of his cabinet heads, via an official email to their office.
- U.S. State Senators - this link will take you directly to the Official United States Senate Website online, where you may directly contact your own U.S. Senators regarding any individual pieces of United States Legislation. You merely select your own Home State and the website will happily do the rest for you.
- U.S. House of Representatives - this link will take you directly to the Official Website for The U. S. House Of Representatives. By entering your Home State and regionally specific information, it will automatically locate your individual representatives office online and direct you there.
- Official State Offices - no matter which State you [honestly] live in, this link will find your Official State Governmental Websites.
- Governors Offices - why not, contact your governor directly, and: voice your opinions, lend your support, or tell them how you feel, about the trampling of Our United States Constitution... and, more importantly, All Of Our Freedoms and Rights.
- State Legislators - this link will take your to a national database of All 50 State Legislatures, where you may select your Home State and be directed appropriately to your own State Legislature. From there, you can select the appropriate representatives based upon region or district specific information.
- County Governments - [SC only] - At this time, we have been unable to locate a reliable source for this information on a national scale. However, this service has been [currently] provided for South Carolina residents - until we can locate a better online source of information.
- City Mayoral Offices - every Mayoral Office in America can be navigated from one national source, by following this link... it is, perhaps, the handiest tool of them all! Have local issues on your mind, then let your government know about it....
- Tribal Councils - for the benefit of our Native American Brothers, we have provided this useful governmental link. Every tribal council in America is only one or two clicks away - by following this one useful link.
National Tea Party Links
National Tea Party Patriots - this link will take you to the National Tea Party Patriot Website. It is an excellent source of information on the growing national movement - as it develops and begins to exercise its nascent political muscles.
South Carolina Patriots - is the Official Tea Party site for the South Carolina based effort at returning Constitutional Control - of our federal government - to "We The People!" South Carolinian activities are being directed at both the State and Federal levels of our government. Numerous State Tea Party organizations are listed, however for some strange reason, Georgian and North Carolinian are haphazardly mixed in among them - which generates a certain amount of realistic confusion. Therefore, individual South Carolinian organizations have been listed below - for ease of use!
- Anderson- as a regional hub, the Anderson County Tea Party is attended by members from many other smaller localities - such as: Abbeville, Iva, Belton, Due West, Antreville, Starr, etc....
- Beauford - a well organized chapter located in Beauford County.
- Boiling Springs - located near lovely Lake Bowen, Boiling Springs has a remarkably vibrant and active Tea Party chapter.
- Charleston - a large and well organized Tea Party organization in the lowlands.
- Columbia - located in our state capital, the Columbia Tea Party is well situated to assist us in our ongoing political needs.
- Lakelands - although they have a very beautiful website - which is graphically intense - unless you have a DSL line, or are driven there for specifically useful information, you'll be waiting for a very long time to access the site's features! Hey, it's "The Truth...."
- Laurens - a smaller chapter, but highly energetic and focused.
- Seneca - the official Tea Party Site for Oconee County.
- Spartanburg - as a large metropolitan center, Spartanburg's Tea Party is rapidly growing... perhaps, you'ld like to join them....
- Union - a small but growing community in Union County.
- York - South Carolina district 5 patriots have a well designed site and a small but growing community of Constitutional Loyalists.
*** If we have some how skipped your group in South Carolina, then please feel free to submit your link to us for a site verification..."We The People," at The Truth About America, value your significant contributions to our ongoing organizational effort!
Official Third Party Websites
The Libertarian Party - is based on the moral principle of self-ownership. Each individual has the right to control his or her own body, action, speech, and property. Government's only role is to help individuals defend themselves from force and fraud.
The Constitution Party - considers our founding documents as the foundation of our Liberty and the Supreme Law of the Land. The sole purpose of government, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, is to secure our unalienable rights given us by our Creator. When Government grows beyond this scope, it is usurpation, and liberty is compromised. We believe the major issues we face today are best solved by a renewed allegiance to the original intent of these founding documents.
Other Helpful Organizations
The John Birch society - ever since its founding in 1958 by Robert Welch, The John Birch Society has been dedicated to restoring and preserving freedom under the United States Constitution.
The Lyndon LaRouche organization - as a member of The Democratic Party, Lyndon LaRouche represents the Traditional Democratic and American Values [of a party, long since taken over by the Social Fascists]... however, he still hangs in there - with his unique style of optimism and hope!
ConSource was developed to increase knowledge, facilitate research, and encourage discussion of the U.S. Constitution by providing free access to the documentary history of its creation, ratification and amendment, and by developing web-based tools that enable “We the People” to interact with Constitutional history.
The Tenth Amendment Center- was founded in June 2006, and was established out of a necessity for restraining the federal government to its Constitutionally-Enumerated Powers.
Our Founding Documents
- Common Sense.
- The Declaration Of Independence.
- Articles Of Confederation.
- The Constitution.
- The Bill Of Rights.
- Amendments XI - XXVII.
Other Referential Documents
- The Federalist Papers.
- James Madison's Notes.
- Thomas Jefferson To George Washington [1791].
- The Kentucky Resolution.
- The Virginia Resolution.
- The Virginia Declaration Of Rights.